
MERN||Web Development||


Many of us want to start Web development as the part of it very trending topic is MERN 
 which is Mongo DB,Express,React JS,Node JS . group of all this technolgies is known as mern the scoipe of it aslo increasing day by day So its a grate opportunity to learn this tech.

WEB Development:

Web development is thing where a person will develop websites which can cross platfroms wityh technologies like HTML,CSS,JAVA SCRIPT this was the earlier part of web development but as now we many frameworks are industry to make Front End and Back END like MERN and etc

Learning this technologies we can start freelancing or try for job opportunities You can Learn this on Youtbe for free .

Mongo DB:

mongo DB is a NOSql database where we can use database without any sql quries. we can insert and delete  data with dome its functions or methods and its very Trending database in industry as it is very easy to use and many of developer as selecting mongo DB


Express JS is one of the framework Nodejs  where we can Do our Backend Stuff 

React JS:

React JS is frame work for front end we can develop fronted with Java script And its and its introduced by Facebook and many of the developer are willing to work with it as its very comfortble

Node JS:

NODE JS  is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. 
Nodejs uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient.

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